Let's dive into the heart of the action to meet the crucial challenges of our time, by putting the spotlight on the ocean, the true pillar of our global ecosystem!
Académie des beaux-arts Space Sea Generation — Joining Arts, Sciences, Technologies and Nature to build the future of our civilizations
Let's dive into the heart of the action to meet the crucial challenges of our time, by putting the spotlight on the ocean, the true pillar of our global ecosystem!
Let's work towards greater environmental responsibility by integrating the challenges of climate change and rising sea levels into the development of our society.
Space exploration is much more than a simple adventure. It’s the driving force that propels our civilization towards new horizons.
Jacques Rougerie is a world-renowned French visionary architect and academician, specializing in marine and coastal habitats. Passionate about the sea and space, he bases his work and innovations on …
Articles, podcasts, interviews, talks... They're talking about us, and with us!
Nature, with its 3.8 billion years of evolution, allows us to explore new avenues of innovation. An infinite source of inspiration, it designs and manufactures sustainably, creating the most beautiful …
To enable new generations to imagine and create new models of life that will preserve future civilizations, the Foundation needs your invaluable support. Thanks to your generosity, the Foundation offers young talent the chance to blossom and build this future, giving them a message of hope and the means to surpass themselves.