The world is changing. The convergence of an urbanized world and hyper-connectivity has overturned the way we live and do business in our territories. As places where people live and share, and where a multitude of societal needs and uses intersect, none of our components is immune to this transformation. The revolutions are many and they question us in depth: technological mutations (digital and its implications), the ecological challenge (climate change and sustainable development), new urban lives (smart cities, smart citizens), cultural and social issues (generation Z, silver economy), new economic and governance models.
In this complex, interdependent world in transition, we need to rethink the links between economy, territory and society. Companies and national and local public authorities need to take the measure of these changes if they are to survive: value creation is taking on different forms, business models are being renewed, and organizations are reinventing themselves - both internally and in their relations with stakeholders (customers and suppliers, the region, employees, social networks).
In this context, all players must reposition themselves and develop unprecedented capacities for adaptation and learning. Disruptions, servitization, dematerialization, ecosystems, inclusive innovation, sustainability, the collaborative economy, ubiquity and social reputation are all realities that need to be mastered in order to build change.
To better understand these challenges and help build the strategies, organizations and policies needed to meet them, IAE Paris has created, thanks in particular to funding from its Endowment Fund, the "ETI Chair - Entrepreneurship, Territory, Innovation".
Whether through joint research initiatives or the organization of conferences, seminars or publications, cooperation will focus on the following themes:
- INNOVATION: exploring new roles, ideas and strategies; imagining practices and places for innovation; cultivating creative dynamics and inclusive innovation.
- ENTREPRENEURSHIP: enabling the development of individual potential and entrepreneurial ideas; co-constructing one's environment; generating new business models and organizational forms.
- TERRITORY: support cities in developing their attractiveness through creative disruptions with high-performance ecosystems of entrepreneurship, innovation and responsible lifestyles.
Find out more about IAE Paris (external link)
Find out more about the Chaire ETI « Entrepreneuriat Territoire Innovation ». (external link)