2020 | Corail artefact
Armed with his intuition and guided by his socially responsible approach to art, the artist Jérémy Gobé has come up with Corail Artefact: a global solution to combat the disappearance of coral reefs.
To achieve this, he has drawn on his status as an individual artist to set up an entrepreneurial project to develop the project's research (artistic, scientific and industrial) and awareness-raising activities (for schools and the general public).
An art-science-industry-education project to save the coral reefs
"Human work, and the gestures it instigates, are the common thread running through all Jérémy Gobé's creations. The artist often extends natural elements - sea urchins, butterflies, coral - through manual means - knitting, drawing, sculpture - to create hybrid objects full of poetry. His projects begin with many chance encounters, his works taking shape from what he finds along the way, abandoned fabrics or found objects to which he (re)gives a certain nobility.
Corail, restauration is a long-term, multi-faceted project in which Jérémy Gobé works with coral. For Meltem, the artist imagines a piece of red coral which, aided by construction pegs of the same colour, becomes an organism invading the space of the Galerie Haute. This proliferation of natural and manufactured substances appears as a threat in the exhibition, an invasion of the living, starting from a wooden table and ending its journey on grey marble slabs".
Catherine Strasser and Daria de Beauvais
Curators of the Meltem exhibition at the Palais de Tokyo, March 2013
More about the project Corail Artefact (external link)