Space Art Grand Prix 2020

With this installation/exhibition, Kitsou Dubois, choreographer and "dance researcher", continues to open herself up to experimental approaches: she takes dancers and 3D/relief cameras aboard an Airbus A300-OG to film the bodies gliding in weightlessness in an endless travelling shot.

Perspectives, le temps de voir - Immersive exhibition: installation, videos, photographs, performance & sound environment

Kitsou Dubois created this installation using images from Ki Productions' participation in a CNES parabolic flight campaign in 2009. She innovated by taking on board the Airbus zero-g 3D/relief cameras to film the bodies of the dancers in weightlessness, gliding along in an endless travelling shot. The installation is presented as a journey through projection spaces, where the visitor is alone or with others, in a confined or very open space, involving both experimentation and the imagination.

Kitsou Dubois, choreographer and dance researcher

Kitsou Dubois is a choreographer and dance researcher, exploring experimental fields (notably weightlessness) from which she extracts the choreographic material for her shows. Trained in contemporary dance (Hawkins and Cunningham techniques), composition (Yano) and movement analysis (O. Rouquet), Kitsou Dubois is part of the new dance movement. As part of her creative process, she has set up a series of immersive research laboratories that will form the basis of her choreographic writing.