Architecture and Innovation Awards

Every year, in partnership with UNESCO, the Foundation organizes an international architecture and innovation competition. This unique call for creativity offers artists, architects, designers, engineers and urban planners a unique opportunity to work in multi-disciplinary teams to propose daring and disruptive architectural projects focused on climate, ocean and space.


  • 12000applications since the beginning
  • 150nationalities from all five continents
  • 5000press coverage worldwide


1The Human place in the project
2Biomimicry & bio-inspiration Sustainable development
3Sustainable development
4Architectural quality
5Prospective dimension
6Innovation & technique
7Graphic quality
8Respect of the fundamental laws of physics
9Respect of the theme


"Along with my colleague Martin Garcia, we were immediately interested in the theme of rising sea levels proposed by the Jacques Rougerie Foundation competition. Architecture allows us to conceptualise and prepare the necessary adaptation to climate change. Taking part in this competition gave us the opportunity to share our vision of tomorrow's world. The competition has been a real springboard in our careers. Firstly through the recognition of our work, but above all thanks to the people we were able to meet, all united around architecture to reflect on the issues of tomorrow. It reinforced my desire to work on projects to adapt our territories to climate change."

Coralie BrivalWinner of the Focus 2019 "Littoral Africain" prize in the Ocean Rise category, member of the 2020 jury | France

"My dream was to be part of the first generation of architects to design in space. This competition was a way of realising that dream: the motivation and inspiration it gave me inspired me to apply for other international competitions. It gave me a lot of hope for future construction in space. The Foundation is like an 'academy' now! I've been preparing for it every year for the last six years. I now teach young students about architecture in space."

Samer El SayaryWinner of the Focus prize "The Lunar Village" 2020 in the Space category | Egypt


Coastal issues & Rising Waters

Let's work towards greater environmental responsibility by integrating the challenges of littorals change and rising sea levels into the development of our society.


Space exploration is much more than a simple adventure. It’s the driving force that propels our civilization towards new horizons.


Let's dive into the heart of the action to meet the crucial challenges of our time, by putting the spotlight on the ocean, the true pillar of our global ecosystem!

LAB Architecture and Innovation Special Award

The jury reserves the right to select a project from among all the entries submitted in phase 2 that addresses one of the 3 themes (Sea, Space, Climate and rising sea levels) in terms of its ability …


The Earth and all its wonders are masterpieces in which we evolve. We cross territories, littorals, oceans, skies, stratospheres, and each time, we discover, the richness of their bodies, their structure, and the diversity of their forms, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large.

We've opened our eyes to the treasures that fill our planet, their strength and elegance. In this era of tumultuous change, where climate, societies and the rights of living beings are constantly evolving, it's time to act with imagination. Let's observe, anticipate, act and reenchant our world!

Thinkers, artists, architects, engineers, you are the artisans of tomorrow!

Thanks to your boundless energy and burning passion, you are ready to shape a resilient future.

In this 15th edition of the Prix de la Fondation, let’s push back the frontiers of audacity. Dare to dream, because today more than ever, your ideas can shape a better world.

Take your inspiration from nature, that inexhaustible source of innovation. Biomimicry, fruit of 3.8 billion years of evolution, opens up unsuspected horizons to imagine current and future living environments. As Leonardo da Vinci said, "Take your lessons from nature: that's where our future lies".

Your projects need to be bold, current or forward-looking and enthusiastic! Based on biomimicry, they must be rooted in the preservation of our ecosystems and their biodiversity. Designed in a multidisciplinary and multicultural way, they demonstrate that inspiration, when combined with form, function and environment, can reach unsuspected heights.

Let’s provide answers to the challenges of our century through the development of artistic, architectural, technological and bio-inspired, in line with the major climatic and environmental issues relating in particular to coastlines and rising sea levels, as well as projects linked to the submarine, marine and spatial worlds.

Open up new horizons, encouraging us to change paradigms and reconcile Humanity and Nature.

Let's embark together towards a radiant future, where innovation and sustainability are our guiding principles.

Discover the winners of the 14th edition of the Foundation's international architecture and innovation competition

Discover the winners of the 12th edition of the Foundation's international architecture and innovation competition